SACCI April 2020 Trade Conditions Survey

SACCI April 2020 Trade Conditions Survey

‘Locked Down’ Trade Environment  In April 2020, the strict lockdown regulations owing to Covid-19 took effect and outpaced the recessionary economic conditions. Trade conditions were badly affected and called for extra-ordinary efforts by businesses to keep afloat. The seasonally adjusted Trade Activity Index (TAI) declined by 11 points to 26 in April 2020 while the…

Safe Return to work: Health Planning Tools for Businesses

Safe Return to work: Health Planning Tools for Businesses

The Disaster Management Regulations allow for the operation of essential services. On 23 April 2020, the President further announced the gradual and phased approach to other business operations which will differ having regard to the applicable level of lockdown as declared by Government from time to time (Levels 1 to 5). Every employer will, during each…

SACCI Media Statement on risk-adjusted approach to re-activating the economy, by testing returning employees

SACCI Media Statement on risk-adjusted approach to re-activating the economy, by testing returning employees

Wednesday 29 April 2020 SACCI Media Statement on risk-adjusted approach to re-activating the economy, by testing returning employees. The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) welcomes the continuous engagement between business, government and labour on the response to the level 4 opportunity to get the economy reactivated. President Ramaphosa has, together with health…

SACCI Media Statement on President Ramaphosa’s Address

SACCI Media Statement on President Ramaphosa’s Address

Media Statement on President Ramaphosa’ s address Friday 24 April 2020 The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI), welcomes President Ramaphosa’ s approach in finding a balance between a continuous mitigation against the Covid 19 pandemic, and the need to look at and consider a phased, risk-adjusted programme of re-entry into the economy….

SACCI Partners with AOP 2020

SACCI Partners with AOP 2020

Africa Oil & Power 2020 is held in proud partnership with the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry on September 15-17, 2020, uniting Africa’s investors and leaders in the oil and gas, power and downstream industries with South Africa’s business community.   AOP 2020 highlights the importance of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area, the largest…

SACCI Media Statement on the new extended Lock Down

SACCI Media Statement on the new extended Lock Down

SACCI Media Statement on the new extended Lock Down and the need to allow certain business sectors to reopen. The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI), wishes to commend President Ramaphosa on his leadership and management of this crisis, in an attempt to flatten the curve of the infection rate of this Covid…

SACCI Business Confidence Index (BCI) For March 2020

SACCI Business Confidence Index (BCI) For March 2020

Business Climate – Uncharted Territory  The Business Confidence Index (BCI) of SACCI decreased by 2.8 index points in March 2020 to 89.9 following on an uptick of 0.5 index points in February 2020. The BCI of March 2020 was 1.9 index points lower than the 91.8 of March 2019. The March decline is the sharpest month-on-month decrease…

SACCI Press Release – Trade Conditions Survey – February 2020

SACCI Press Release – Trade Conditions Survey – February 2020

Strained Trade Conditions  In line with the recessionary conditions since the 3rd quarter of 2019, the SACCI Trade Conditions Survey in February 2020 confirmed flattening trade activity. Real activity in the wholesale, retail trade, hotels and restaurants experienced zero growth in 2019 and even declined by 0.3% year-on-year in the 4th quarter 2019. Trade conditions deteriorated…

SACCI Delegation Meets GCEO Of ESKOM
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SACCI Delegation Meets GCEO Of ESKOM

Today, SACCI President, Adv Mtho Xulu led a successful delegation of the Board and Council members of SACCI in a strategic meeting with the GCEO of Eskom, Mr Andre de Ruyter. Randburg Chamber CEO, Linda Blackbeard, our Past President, Mr Neil Pollock, who is currently the Vice President of SACCI, were proud to be amongst…

SACCI Media Statement on the Budget Speech

SACCI Media Statement on the Budget Speech

SACCI Media Release                                                                                                                                Thursday 27 February 2020 SACCI Media Statement on the Budget Speech The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI), notes the budget speech presented by Minister Mboweni. Whilst we acknowledge the tough economic times faced by South Africa, we think this speech missed a critically important opportunity to re-imagine the future…

SACCI Media Statement on the 2020 SONA

SACCI Media Statement on the 2020 SONA

The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry notes and welcomes the President’s remarks in his 2020 State of the Nation address. We look forward to working with the President and his team in many of the major initiatives announced in his speech. SA’s major challenges in the area of affordable and consistent energy availability…

SACCI Press Release – Trade Conditions Survey – January 2020

SACCI Press Release – Trade Conditions Survey – January 2020

Tight Trade Conditions Stabilise Trade conditions remained tight in January 2020 with 57% of the respondents experiencing negative conditions while 54% of the respondents expect conditions to remain depressed in the next six months.   The seasonally adjusted Trade Activity Index (TAI) recorded 43 – down one index point, while the Trade Expectations Index (TEI) remained…

SACCI Press Release – Trade Conditions Survey – December 2019

SACCI Press Release – Trade Conditions Survey – December 2019

Trade Conditions Remain Tight Trade conditions remained in negative territory in December 2019, but the seasonally adjusted Trade Activity Index (TAI) improved marginally to 44 – up by one index point and still below the 50-index level of unchanged conditions. Expectations for the next six months look better than the December trade conditions with the…

SACCI Press Release BCI December 2019

SACCI Press Release BCI December 2019

SACCI PRESS RELEASE – BUSINESS CONFIDENCE INDEX (BCI) FOR DECEMBER 2019 Lack Luster Business Confidence in December Although the BCI remained virtually unchanged at 93.1 in December 2019 if compared to 92.7 in November 2019, the BCI was 2.1 index points below the level of 95.2 in December 2018. The BCI declined from an average…

SACCI Trade Conditions Survey – November 2019

SACCI Trade Conditions Survey – November 2019

Trade Expectations Weaken Trade conditions remained subdued in November 2019 and in negative territory. The seasonally adjusted Trade Activity Index (TAI), as a measure of recent trade conditions, improved slightly by one point to 43 in November 2019. Over the next six months trade is expected to decline with the seasonally adjusted Trade Expectations Index…

Load Shedding Putting The Prospects Of Economic Recovery Under Severe Pressure
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Load Shedding Putting The Prospects Of Economic Recovery Under Severe Pressure

Yesterday, along with many people, my blood boiled at the stage 6 outage and the drastic effects on our economy. I promised action on my Facebook and didn’t need to say much to encourage the press release of a media statement by our CEO of the South African Chamber of Commerce (SACCI). They were already…

Business Confidence Index (BCI) for November 2019

Business Confidence Index (BCI) for November 2019

Business Confidence Remains Rigid The SACCI BCI (2015 = 100) remained sensitive to the instability in the business climate, both domestically and internationally. After declining by 0.7 index points in October 2019, the BCI appears to crept upward in November 2019. The index improved by 1.0 index points on October to reach 92.7 in November 2019. The…

SACCI CEO, Mr Alan Mukoki on how to turn around SA’s economy, Eskom

SACCI CEO, Mr Alan Mukoki on how to turn around SA’s economy, Eskom

The Bureau of Economic Research and RMB’s Business Confidence Index comes out on 27th November and according to many commentators, it is expected to tell of more bad news. Alan Mukoki, CEO of the South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry joins CNBC Africa for more.

SACCI Press Release – The Appointment of Mr. Andre de Ruyter as CEO of Eskom

SACCI Press Release – The Appointment of Mr. Andre de Ruyter as CEO of Eskom

Thursday 21 November 2019 The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI), welcomes the appointment of Mr. Andre de Ruyter as part of the Eskom board’s attempt to stabilize the executive team at Eskom. The power utility poses the biggest risk to SA’s economy and every effort should be made to fix the problems…

SACCI Trade Conditions Survey – October 2019

SACCI Trade Conditions Survey – October 2019

SACCI Press Release Thursday, 14 November 2019 Less Optimal Trade Conditions Continue Trade conditions remained stable in October 2019 but still subdued, i.e. an index level below 50. The seasonally adjusted Trade Activity Index (TAI) that reflects present conditions, improved to 42 in October – up from 40 in September 2019. Trade conditions are also…

SETA Grant Case Update

SETA Grant Case Update

BUSA instituted review proceedings on two occasions in the Labour Court to set aside the regulations but the most recent application pertaining to the re-promulgation of the Regulation 4(4) was dismissed last year. BUSA subsequently launched an appeal against the judgment of the Labour Court.  The appeal was heard in the Johannesburg Labour Appeal Court on…

SACCI Press Release BCI September 2019

SACCI Press Release BCI September 2019

SACCI PRESS RELEASE – BUSINESS CONFIDENCE INDEX (BCI) FOR SEPTEMBER 2019 A Window of Opportunity  SACCI’s BCI (2015 = 100) recovered from 89.1 index points in August 2019 to 92.4 in September. The BCI improved by 3.3 index points in September from August, but was still 0.9 points below the BCI level of September 2018. The…

SACCI Press Release – Trade Conditions Survey – August 2019

SACCI Press Release – Trade Conditions Survey – August 2019

Wednesday, 18 September 2019 Slightly Improved Trade Expectations Trade conditions improved marginally in August 2019 although conditions remained tough. Expectations for the next six months suggest further improvement of present trade conditions. The Trade Activity Index (TAI) increased by 2 index points from 40 to 42 and the Trade Expectations Index (TEI) improved by 4…