The Disaster Management Regulations allow for the operation of essential services. On 23 April 2020, the President further announced the gradual and phased approach to other business operations which will differ having regard to the applicable level of lockdown as declared by Government from time to time (Levels 1 to 5).
Every employer will, during each of the levels of lockdown and for the foreseeable future thereafter, have to adhere to detailed occupational health and safety protocols. This means that all employers must re-examine their activities, work environment and policies in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic and may need to change, adapt or enhance these in order to operate.
With the above mentioned in mind, here are links to download:
- the Practice Note on Workplace Readiness; detailing the minimum practice guidelines for all employers operating in South Africa.
- the Risk Assessment Management Tool (.xls)
- the CEO Declaration Template (.docx)
- the Risk Adjusted Strategy Regulations as issued by the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs.