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All Websites Are Required To Link To
DEPARTMENT OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND POSTAL SERVICES Vol. 657 26 March 2020 No. 43164 5.1.4 All Internet sites operating within .zaDNA top level domain name must have a landing page with a visible link to Download Government Gazette No. 43164
Municipalities and “Snail Mail”
INTRODUCTION This article considers the legal obligation of municipalities when it comes to sending notices, letters of demand and court documents via e-mail, “snail mail” (ordinary post) and “certified” or “registered” mail. This is important to consumers of municipalities because if the municipality in question fails to serve properly in accordance with law, the demand…
The True State of Infrastructure Challenges in the City of Johannesburg
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Draft Expropriation Bill: Presentation To BUSA by Deputy Minister Cronin
Please find attached, for your information, the presentation delivered by Deputy Minister Cronin to BUSA on Friday, 18 January 2019 in regards to the Draft Expropriation Bill.
BUSA Media Statement on ANC Economic Recovery Strategy
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Here’s when takeaways and domestic work might be legal again under a draft govt plan
The government has a draft “risk-adjusted strategy for economic activity” that will determine what life will look like after the hard lockdown. It proposes five levels of restrictions, with the spread of the coronavirus and the readiness of the health system determining which is in force. Takeaway food returns under Level 3, and domestic workers…