Year-end Message From Linda Blackbeard,
CEO of the Randburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry
RCCI thanks all their members for their support during 2018. We see the year ending with many questions still on our minds. Power availability including the cost of power, unemployment, crime and corruption, to name a few, all still glaring us in the face as we take our leave of 2018. However there is light and hope.
Much has been achieved this year to eradicate the criminal aspects in our area and 2019 will see a concerted and advertised agenda of happenings to bring awareness with community collaboration. Working closely with our CPF and our Municipality to achieve our desired results. Together we can, but alone the journey often dies out with little positive results.
The chamber is also actively involved with our comments and planned action on the ongoing power crisis along with rising costs of power. All this affecting businesses in various ways. Mostly our economy and profit line of business at the end of the day. We will do all in our power to assist with this matter and be the VOICE that the business community need with action. The mandate of the chambers is to be a supporter and facilitator to business. But we need you to stand with us, or we will be the voice in the wilderness.
Although it’s been a tough year, there is still hope and it is very encouraging to see the amount of sustainable SME development during 2018 . The growth of the chambers in supporting business has grown and we are proud of our achievers and of our results. Many businesses have seen the benefits of being a member. Effective Training, profitable networking, all export Certificates of Origin being made available electronically, facilitation, introductions, skills upliftment, programs involving our community to improve our spaces and business in general. Not forgetting the tourism. We have so much to offer but many a time we ask what and where. I encourage you to Google this and see for yourself just what amazing spaces and places we have around us. This too is an action plan of RCCI next year is to offer more exposure to the Hospitality and Tourism industry. Our one SME has signed mega power deals in LNG and another has his hand-made shoes being exported. Another has small waterless car wash offerings to the businesses around us and doing very well. Our chamber has also received the long awaited information regarding support on the National Rural Water project which they have been involved with over the last 5 years. Networking has taken off and many are engaging with each other. And doing business. All very encouraging and makes the hard work so worthwhile.
Our Directors, all volunteers, have worked diligently and extremely hard in 2018 to assist in building the chamber and strengthening us in 2018.
For this I am truly grateful and give them my heartfelt thanks for their support and diligence. All very passionate about the chamber movement.
One a personal note, I have been truly blessed this year with the election to the SA Chamber of Commerce & Industry (SACCI) seat, as the SA Chamber Forum Chair, along with the CEO Global – Pan Africa awards for SADC South and the Continental Lifetime achievement awards. Enough to take your breath away.
During 2018 our collaboration for the benefits to business, has grown exponentially and our befits are much more meaningful and beneficial to business to help them retain sustainability in these tough times.
We look forward to engaging with our businesses more in 2019, which also sees our chamber celebrate their 60th birthday. When Randburg Municipality was birthed, Randburg Chamber of Commerce & Industry was opened and has been the backbone and voice of business in your area since then.
2019 must start with us.
This is time for excellence, strategic planning, more passion and commitment to encourage activity, growth and meaningful interaction with businesses.
Opportunities abound for those with the integrity, willpower and determination to make it happen. Nothing comes easy. So work hard, plan better, stay focused with a positive attitude even when it’s tough. We are here to support you so don’t forget to join us and become part of this amazing family. TOGETHER we can.
I would like to wish all Christian readers the most wonderful and restful period and request we reflect on the true values of Christmas and what it means. Travel safe or if you at home enjoy your home space. See you all in 2019.