The world filters water, we create it.

Since 2004 the founders of Air to Water Africa (Incorporated in 2004) understood that the population of the world was rapidly growing while the amount of global water was remaining constant. Also, it was confirmed that the percentage of potable water was rapidly shrinking. With only enough safe drinkable water for about half of the world’s population, we are on a fast pace to a major crisis. There are several websites that confirm the concern about our potable water supply. One site is:

Water has also become big business. Newsweek dated October 18, 2010 states once again that water is the new oil. Please see: This article not only speaks of a new venture to ship water from Sitka, Alaska to Mumbai, India by tanker; but also discusses the extreme problems of water and the effort to turn that into money while getting water to places in desperate need.

Once good water has been polluted in the aquifers and the ocean, more water is required causing yet a higher level of waste in making potable water. Reverse osmosis and desalination are greatly hurting the environment due to concentrated heavily polluted water being returned back to the earth’s water sources. National Geographic of April 2010 stated: “None of the three (types of desalination technology) will be a solution for all the world’s water woes. Desalination inevitably leaves behind concentrated brine, which can harm the environment and even the water supply itself. Brine discharges are especially tricky to dispose of at inland desalination plants, and they’re also raising the salinity in parts of the shallow Persian Gulf. The saltier the water gets, the more expensive it becomes to desalinate.” Please see the entire article at:

Our atmospheric water generators leave no harmful by-products to pollute the environment. Please see our web page

The process that Air to Water Africa creates new good tasting water from the atmosphere. The systems of the Atmospheric Water Generators are protected and use the highest quality filters and uv treatment. This extra step is taken in case someone or something has attempted to create a problem. Please see:

Air to Water Africa has taken proven long-term refrigeration technology and developed technology to produce large volumes of high quality drinking water. The process has been tested and retested now for well over ten years. Air to Water Africa’s first goal was to produce quality drinking water. We have the ethics to only produce safe water with the highest quality possible.

It makes sense to take the unit to the location, produce the water where the need is, as opposed to continually transporting volumes of water to a location daily.

Locations vary with regard to the amount of water that can be produced because of differences in the dew point. Different amounts of moisture in the air (humidity) and temperature will determine the amount of water that can be produced at any given time. Air to Water Africa can deliver equipment that is mobile or at a permanent location. Created water can be stored in tanks, pumped into water systems in buildings or bottled. Air to Water Africa or the customer can monitor and control the equipment. The equipment will not leave any negative by-product such as reverse osmosis and desalination do. The equipment is designed with redundancy so that the equipment will rarely be totally shut down.

When large volumes of high quality water are needed, then Air to Water Africa has a solution that you should research. Large atmospheric water factories can be built to manufacture hundreds of thousands of litres per day. It is possible to create water at 20 to 24 cents a litre taking into consideration cost of the building and equipment, power as well as temperature and humidity. Our strategic partners have the engineering and manufacturing resources to get the job done. Air to Water Africa does not claim to have the total answer but rather an answer that can truly make a difference.

Air to Water Africa technology is truly state of the art maintaining a place well ahead of the competition. Air to Water Africa is continually searching for the means to make improvements through research and development to benefit this technology. Air to Water Africa has taken every step to insure the energy efficiency, water production and the highest quality of good tasting drinking water that is available in the world.

Air to Water Africa is the appointed distribution agent. We distribute a unique concept into Africa and its environs. This concept condenses moisture from the atmosphere purifies the condensate and dispensers it as safe drinking or potable water. Our machines use patented technology to provide clean, clear drinking water from the air we breathe without burdening the environment with waste plastic bottles.

The concept is not new, nor is it complex technology, but the challenge is in its cost of application and product (water) quality. Air-Water machines are designed to produce their capacity volumes at the lowest possible electrical cost. The specific power consumption range for the various machines is 0.1-0.5 [kWh/l] and every machine goes into ‘standby’ mode when working volumes are reached, thereby conserving energy.  All machines are capable of being generator powered if no electrical grid is available

Drinking water quality, and the sufficient provision thereof, is an enormous topic of discussion and debate with all international Health bodies, but the common denominator is that they all agree, globally we are fast moving into a crisis of water scarcities and poor drinking water quality. A United Nations statement: “Clean, drinking water is a basic human right.” Air-Water machines use most recent and proven filtration technology to provide the end user with clean, healthy drinking water.

The filtration matrix is carbon based filters and Ultra Violet light, and each filters effectively the most common chemical and bacteriological contaminants that may be present in the air.

Other specialized filtration technologies are available should an environment require it. But the end result will be clean healthy drinking water that conforms to International Drinking Water Standards at prices significantly lower than bottled drinking water.

As part of our distribution service we are willing to advise on the best possible technology to cater for and suit your needs and those of your organizations, we offer structured payment terms, supply you with maintenance protocols and testing and sampling standards and regimes, train and support responsible staff/consumers and provide up-to-date technology by keeping abreast of and developing new innovative means of water extraction from the air and purification thereof.

Air to Water Africa has been involved in pioneering this technology into app 340 satisfied healthy households in Africa and offer quality back-up service. Our mission is to offer demonstrable quality water at a fraction of the cost of bottled or dispensed water suppliers.  Water is produced where and when required, no complex logistics or costly transport!

Air-Water machines range from the domestic model called the SOHO (small office and home)  with a production capacity of 28 litres in 24 hours to the larger machines (AW series) for application in industry and community projects with production capacities of 100; 200; 500; 1000 and 5000 litres in 24 hours. Any of these could be trailer mounted for your mobility convenience and be fitted with remote dispensers for multiple outlets including emergency services for disaster areas-(squatter camp fires and floods)

All Air-Water machines are CE compliant and production processes conform to ISO 9001:2000 requirements.

It is imperative before procuring an Air-Water machine that you understand the Relative Humidity (RH) versus Temperature relationship and how it influences water production in our machines. I have production matrices and photographs of each machine. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you have any further literature requirements. We are also adept at presentations should you find the need.

Important! machines will still operate at lower than below tabulated humidities and temperatures as long as temp is not below 15 ° C and [% RH] is not below 35%. Production will vary according to prevailing climatic conditions. In warm high humidity climates machines will produce significantly above below ratings.

Thirty-seven brands of domestic and imported mineral waters were analysed for the following: alkalinity, aluminium, barium, beryllium, boron, cadmium, calcium, chloride, chromium, cobalt, copper, fluoride, iron, lead, lithium, magnesium, manganese, mercury, molybdenum, nickel, nitrate, pH, phosphate, potassium, silver, sodium, specific conductance, sulphate, tin, vanadium, and zinc. Of the waters examined in this study, 24 had one or more determinants that were not in compliance with the drinking water standards in South Africa

Water is the new oil. You have probably already heard this statement many times. It is true. People lived for most of the history of our planet without oil. However, we can only live for minutes without clean air and for only a few days without water. The air contains trillions of gallons at any given time, mostly known as humidity. The problem is changing that to drinking water. Also, the oceans are filled with most of the world’s water. However, for areas that are not near the oceans, transportation becomes a major problem even after the salt has been removed.

Air to Water Africa started in 2004 during the dot-com era. However, we quickly determined that we did not want to follow the trend that was prevalent at that time of making money based upon an idea. We saw the need for quality drinkable water at an affordable price.

Quality drinking water is essential for not only emergencies situations such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, etc., but also for development and growth areas. Many locations have stopped development because of the lack of drinking water. While our units are designed to be stationary or portable with generators and placed on trailers to react to military and emergency situations.

Our air to water generators are designed and built to last up to 20 years. These air to water generators have been tested in a very hostile environment and received excellent water quality reports.

Water produced from the air is better for our environment than any other method. Reverse osmosis (RO), that also includes desalinization, pollutes the remaining water when the unused water is made more polluted with the residue taken from the treated water. Many areas in Africa are considering restricting or eliminating reverse osmosis as a method of treating water

Alexander E Carte’
For more information:
Contact information  [email protected]

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