From: David Potter
Ward Councillor
City of Johannesburg, Ward 102

My office has received the below town planning applications from the City of Johannesburg.

Town Planning Applications, as received

  • Erf 2279, Bryanston. 5 Banbury Street. Rezoning from Residential 1 to Residential 1 to include a guest house and a dwelling unit.
  • Erf 18, Solridge (Bryanston). 16 Daniel Street. Subdivision into 8 portions of around 450-500 sqm each.
  • Erf 511 and 512, Bordeaux. 31 Park Avenue and 49 Garden Road. Land Use Consent. Application is to increase the number of pupils permitted.
  • Erf 129 Blairgowrie. 202 Barkston Drive. Rezoning from Residential 1 to Residential 1 to include a guest house as a primary right, subject to conditions.
  • Erf 1/648, Bryanston. Shephard corner Homestead Road. Rezone property to Residential 3 to allow for 3 storeys, permitting 15 dwelling units on one portion of the land. Such zoning already exists on the second portion of this same land.
  • Erf 1/3262 and 3263, Bryanston. Situated between Ballyclare Drive and Old Kilcullen Road. Consolidation. A rezoning application was submitted for the site and was proclaimed on 23 Sept 2015.
  • Erf RE/46, Fontainbleau. 33 Rabie Road. Rezoning from Residential 1 to Special for a coffee shop and ancillary uses, subject to certain amended conditions.
  • Erf 1091, Ferndale. Kent Avenue. Rezoning from Special for offices to Special for offices and an ancillary and subservient laboratory that will only compromise a maximum 20% of the floor area.
  • Erf 3253 and 3254, Bryanston. 33 and 35 Old Kilcullen Road. Rezoning from Business 4 and Residential 1 respectively to Residential 3 (subject to conditions) to permit dwelling units and guardhouse. 3 storeys, 70 dwelling units per hectare permitting 49 dwelling units on the consolidated erf.

Errors and Omissions Excluded.

I am unsure of the time period in which you have to comment on the application(s) and suggest that you discuss same with the Registration Department as per the below. It is suggested that if you need further information you visit the property to ascertain if the town planning sign is still affixed to the property boundary.

Please note that comments are time critical.
Comments in support of or against are to be sent to the below:


David Potter
Ward Councillor
City of Johannesburg, Ward 102
[email protected] | 0828859688 | @DavidCOJ102
Ward website:

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