According to a News24 report, the City of Johannesburg will continue to issue traffic fines based on the evidence caught on speeding cameras, despite the contracts of speed camera service providers coming to an end in January this year. In a statement, spokesperson Luyanda Longwe said this had resulted in reduced law enforcement capacity. “JMPD…
The National Economic Development and Labour Council has agreed on an action plan for the country’s economic recovery. President Cyril Ramaphosa met with the council on Tuesday. Details of the plan will be announced once it is finalised by Cabinet. According to a statement issued by the Presidency on Tuesday, following a meeting between President…
Dear Randburg Chamber Member & interested business Leaders, You are cordially invited to attend the September Networking with a Difference event. Kindly hosted by Hirsch’s Super Store, Paulshof. In August a record 70+ Attendees had a marvellous opportunity to pick up many leads, in between tasting the delicious snacks served throughout the morning. The September…
Greetings Networkers, My sincere apologies for the delay in circulating the meeting notes but nevertheless thank you for joining the RCCI Networking meeting on Thursday 4th June. Great Virtual Meetings With the Global Lockdown accelerating us into the world of online meetings, Harold Robinson’s presentation on how to host and run great virtual meetings was both…
BY Ivan Israelstam, Chief Executive of Labour Law Management Consulting. He may be contacted on (011) 888-7944 or 0828522973 or on e-mail address: [email protected]. Go to: www.labourlawadvice.co.za It is very easy to employ a worker on the basis of a fixed-term contract. However, it is when you want to end the employment relationship that the…
Nedbank’s relief measures for our individual and small-business clients, including information on payment holidays, the newly announced SA Future Trust Fund for SMMEs, and other Nedbank debt relief actions, can be found on https://www.nedbank.co.za/content/nedbank/desktop/gt/en/info/campaigns/nedbank-covid19-page.html