This morning the President of the Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry Mr. Neil Pollock says, “We believe as Chambers, we need to comment that the major Cabinet reshuffle has led to uncertainty by many. Members are advised that RCCI will be working closely with relevant bodies to establish clear communication and action going forward.”

Neil also added, “As a Chamber we remain committed in maintaining robust engagement with all stakeholders for our mutual benefit. I encourage everyone not to be dismayed, but rather take up the responsibility of being the change you want to see.”

Please let us know what impact this reshuffle has on your business and send comments to [email protected].

Further communication will be made once we have clarity on the consequences of this cabinet reshuffle on business.

About Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a non-profit organisation setup to represent the Voice of Local Business in the Randburg, Sandton, and Midrand regions of Johannesburg. Now in its 57th year, the Chamber is a formal institution that operates under a strong code of good business practice and operates under a constitution.

For more information contact Linda Blackbeard, CEO on 086 101 9218




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