The Legal Requirements for the Lawful Use of Electronic Signatures

This article seeks to examine the legal requirements for the lawful use of electronic signatures. It will focus on the use of electronic signatures in the legal industry.


Diener N.O v Minister of Justice and Others: The Risks Faced by Business Rescue Practitioners

The Supreme Court of Appeal (“SCA”) judgment of Diener N.O. v Minister of Justice and Others (926/2016) [2017] ZASCA 180 has significant implications for business rescue practitioners (“BRPs”) when applying for the conversion of a business rescue into a liquidation.


City of Johannesburg’s Expanded Social Packages

The City of Johannesburg (“The City”) has a number of financial assistance measures in place for its consumers. Each of these measures has their own specific requirements that a consumer would have to meet in order to qualify. Examples include the Pensioners’ Rebate and the Expanded Social Package.


DH Construction Technologies CC v Chad Construction (45546/17) [2020] ZAGPPHC 40

The primary issue that the Court had to determine in this matter was whether the defences, raised by the Respondent, qualify as bona fide and reasonable defences in the context of a liquidation application.


Protection Orders: Overview and Procedure

The purpose of this article is to provide the reader with a basic overview and understanding of the remedies against domestic violence and harassment.


Lockdown Level 3: Sectional Title Schemes and Homeowners Associations

This article will address the implications of level 3 lockdown regulations in sectional title schemes and homeowners’ associations (“community schemes”).





The coronavirus (COVID-19) global pandemic has brought additional strain to an already struggling South African economy. IQbusiness, Schindlers Attorneys, Engaged Business Turnaround, Sirdar Group and Envision have formed a consortium to bring their extensive legal, accounting, technology and business turnaround expertise to help businesses in financial distress.
Together, these businesses have launched a crisis management centre called the COBRA (Covid Business Rescue Assistance) War Room. The initiative aims to assist and sustain South African businesses through the Covid-19 crisis with free services to help them receive coordinated bank, government and stakeholder support.  If required, a structured business rescue process can be initiated, with the objective of rehabilitating affected companies.


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