The Recycling Issue

by Velaphi Mpolweni, owner of Lowe Furniture & Decor

Autumn has just started however it feels as if it is on steroids this year. I hope we don’t get a bitter cold winter this year. In the past weeks we have also seen the ugly beast called load shedding raising its head again. My heart goes out to all business and in particular small businesses like mine, load shedding is threatening our existence.

In this issue we are talking recycling for the purpose of decorating our living spaces. We are living in an era where living green is a must. Recycling and repurposing of old unwanted products, material, objects and plants is one way we can save our environment hence the planet Earth.

Up cycling: We enhance the use of a product that was considered obsolete or had an insignificant use into new materials or products of a superior quality or for a better environmental value.

Down cycling: A superior product that was considered obsolete or was heading to the refuse bins is rescued and used to create other small items that may be useful in our living space. This will normally be of lesser value compared to the original complete item rescued.

In both instance by rescuing these items we are reducing our carbon footprint by saving electricity that may have been used to reproduce the new created product. In furniture any green tree that is cut means one tree less that can supply us with clean oxygen.

Up cycled Products

In the furniture and décor industry we see designers, champions of DIY, and craftsmen using the following to create interesting décor items:

  • Old vintage suitcase into a occasional chair
  • The back of a vintage chair into a mirror
  • Using old books as floating shelves
  • Old tyres into ottomans or chairs etc



Down cycled Products

  • Old car lights used as stand or hanging lights
  • Creation of lights, chandeliers from recycled plastic bottles
  • Vintage car back seat into a love chair or sofa

Ideas are endless the only limit can be ones creativity. I hope in this issue we have planted the seed to inspire you. Recycling is a fulfilling and inspiring exercise to those looking to relax or have common family projects. These projects can aid family bonding, distress and save money in the process.

By Velaphi Mpolweni

Velaphi is the owner of Lowe Furniture & Décor (

Winner of Tsogosun 2018 Entrepreneur Achiever of the year and 2017 DTI SA furniture design Competition

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