ADHD is usually regarded as a childhood condition, which it is, but it exists in adults too. In fact, 4 out 5 children with ADHD or ADD have at least one parent with the condition.

It is the most common neurological condition – it affects approximately 10% of any group of people anywhere. In the USA more than 30 million people have been diagnosed, i.e., around 10% of the population. Similar figures are found in the Scandinavian countries where meticulous “big brother” figures are kept.

So, if we think of a full sports stadium, a packed hotel by the seaside, a bus or train packed like sardines, or your business, 10% of all those people will have ADHD.

How do you know if you have people with ADHD in your company? ADHD must be diagnosed by a medical professional. Also, people who display any of the behaviours listed below, might have some other condition, not necessarily ADHD.

Here are some of the traits and behaviours of people who have ADHD:

  • Their performance is erratic and often infuriating.
  • They are the last to arrive at meetings, and then appear to daydream their way through the session
  • They come up with the most brilliant ideas, frequently solving difficult problems and issues.
  • They sometimes don’t grasp the simplest of instructions and end up ruining well laid plans.
  • Their behaviour is often incomprehensible; they manage complex tasks brilliantly but fail miserably on simple routine tasks.
  • They appear to not understand the urgency, or significance of what’s happening in the office, and they also do the reverse – believing things are worse than are – and overstate the nature of assignments.
  • They often blurt things out at inappropriate times, or forget what they are saying mid-sentence

ADDers – my name for those of us qualified to wear the badge – can make or break your company or department.

ADHD – when it is managed effectively and sustainably – is a gift that needs to be nurtured and exploited.

Yes, exploit the gift to the benefit of all, and the ADDer will be gratified and motivated to perform better. Exploit the benefits of ADHD, but don’t break the ADDer. He or she is after all your golden goose.

The key issue for you as an owner or manager is that ADHD must be managed effectively, most of the time.

This is where ADHD Coaching for Business people comes in. An ADHD Coach provides valuable ADHD-specific and practical tools for the ADDer and the company to manage all aspects of the condition.

Included in the coaching are sessions with relevant managers to ensure the best results in an appropriate length of time. Living ADDventure® naturally works with the spouses and partners.

Working with all in the ADHD environment ensures optimum outcomes.

For further Information:

Living ADDventure®

Email: [email protected]


Mobile: 083 298 2828

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