SACCI Media Release


11 October 2016

NPA Press Release

The South African Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SACCI) notes with concern the developments surrounding the Minister of Finance and other former SARS top officials regarding charges of fraud as announced by the head of the NPA at his media briefing earlier today.

As a business organisation the impact of these developments on the economy can only be negative, especially in an environment where South Africa has been facing a potential credit ratings downgrade and an economy that has been growing at a slow rate.

We however support the constitution of the Republic of South Africa and its organs of state; we also support any individuals’ rights as enshrined in the constitution. These rights include the right to a free and fair trial, amongst other things, and the basic principle of the presumption of innocence until proven guilty by a court of law.

In this regard, we will be refraining from commenting on issues that are sub-judice until the issues are resolved by the competent tribunal as prescribed in the constitution of the Republic of South Africa.


SACCI CEO    Mr Alan Mukoki (082 511 1159)


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