Please note that the Lebombo border post will be closed shortly following a positive Covid-19 case. All trucks currently in the customs control areas are being cleared with the engagement of Mozambique counterparts. The border post will be closed until a deep clean of all offices has been conducted. Truck drivers who have not yet left for Lebombo are advised to use an alternative SA-Mozambique border post (the closest is Mananga). We will update the SARS website when the border post is reopened.

We also encourage that you regularly visit the SARS Customs and Excise Website SARS Customs and Excise Website

Please feel free to liaise with us should you require any further information or assistance.

Thanks and Kind Regards

Rochnee Rivera Green

Private Sector Stakeholder Management (PSSM)
South African Revenue Service
Tel  012 422 7390
Cell: 060 716 4887

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