Dear Members

RCCI is sending out the below , written by Mr Patrick OLeary, Publisher/Editor of FleetWatch SA to solicit your comments.

He writes the following:

I am sending out this email to a number of players in the trucking industry to solicit comment on what I feel is an extremely serious development for the industry. I refer to the downgrading by two global rating agencies of South Africa’s credit rating to ‘junk’ status.

Please could you give me your take on how you see this development impacting on the trucking industry as a whole and on your company (optional). I say optional to the company side as you might not want to give away any strategic opinions on the good or bad fortunes of your company.

As we know, the trucking industry is very seldom given consideration for the vital role it plays in South Africa’s economy and I feel it is imperative
that the industry states its views on such an important development as the ratings downgrades.

Please can I ask that you give this your urgent and serious consideration. FleetWatch will be publishing all views and will circulate this widely –
including to the new Minister of Transport. The trucking industry needs its voice heard on this issue.

Please could I ask that you submit your comments on or before this Friday May 5th. I am sorry for the urgent deadline but I have been looking out for comments in the general media and I have seen none relating to the trucking industry. We need to get it out there. Comments can be submitted to The Editor at [email protected]. I would also really appreciate if you could include a photograph of yourself – preferably in high resolution.

Many thanks and best regards

Patrick O’Leary

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