Summary of the speech made by President Cyril Ramaphosa on Sunday 25 July 2021
SA moves to LOCKDOWN LEVEL 3, with immediate effect.
- Curfew: 22:00 to 04:00
- Social relief grant will be reinstated from August 2021 untill March 2022 – “the R350 is back”- watch out for the registration information.
- Gatherings: limited to 50 indoors and 100 outdoors or 50% of the venue capacity.
- Travel : NO travel restrictions in SA
- Alcohol sales permitted:
10:00am to 06:00pm – Mon to Thurs.
Restaurants may sell according to their licence agreement, on-site consumption, but only up to 20:00 at night. - All schools will open tomorrow, 26 July.
- Wearing of masks is still a MUST.
- All restaurants, bars etc can be open and trade but MUST close at 21:00 everyday.
- Funerals: max 50 people but all after- tears events are still NOT permitted
- Ramaphosa: “We need to balance the covid response and peace and stability in SA”
- New Covid cases have decreased but positivity rate remains high at 26,6%
- Nearly 10% of the population in SA have now been vaccinated.
(Ps… I’m now part of the stats. Join me and get vaccinated!!) - Anyone can just turn up at a vaccination station, register on the spot and receive their vaccine.
- Age group 18 to 34 can register and get vaccinated from 1 September 2021.
- 31 million more vaccine doses to arrive in SA over the next 2/3 months.
- The President did speak about the looting and the deployment of the South African Defence Force in certain parts of the country.
- he also said that they are busy with the investigations of who instigated it and that people will be prosecuted for their criminal deeds.
- Sasria will pay out all valid claims for businesses as soon as possible. Government will help Sasria to honour its obligations.
- PAYE taxes will be deferred for 3 months
- 3 month tax relief for businesses in the alcohol industry.
- Lets work towards a democratic society.