Greetings Networkers,
My sincere apologies for the delay in circulating the meeting notes but nevertheless thank you for joining the RCCI Networking meeting on Thursday 4th June.
Great Virtual Meetings
With the Global Lockdown accelerating us into the world of online meetings, Harold Robinson’s presentation on how to host and run great virtual meetings was both timely and topical.
Good to see Harold again and grateful thanks for sharing his common sense guidelines, which apply equally to virtual and in-person meetings.
Harold’s presentation attached.
Member Introductions
Thank you all for introducing yourselves and your businesses to the group.
If you haven’t already done so, be sure to follow up on any possibilities you recognised during the meeting with other members without delay!
Introducing Triplo4 Sustainable Solutions
Thank you to Jyotika Daya and Melissa Padayachee of Triplo4 Sustainable Solutions for introducing us to their fascinating world of….
– Environmental Management
– Integrated Water Source Management
– Built Environmental Consulting Services, and
– Innovative and Sustainable Products
Not only is Triplo4 engaged in the major development projects shared by Jyotika and Melissa but it also developed sustainable everyday household products like the iHarvey thermoelectric generator and the Washtoi grey water toilet flushing system.
Triplo4’s presentation attached.
RCCI Covid-19 Task Team
Manjush Matthews briefly outlined the role the Task Team is playing in tackling fallout from the Covid-19 pandemic with the City of Johannesburg.
Strength and support to you Manjush!
Close and Announcements
Please note the next meeting scheduled for Thursday 18th June has been cancelled.
We will be getting together again on Thursday 2nd July – watch this space for details.
Thank you for your attendance and support.
With kind regards,