Greetings Networkers,

Thank you for joining us this morning.

Detailed below, notes from the meeting….

Business Model Innovation

Thank you to Christopher Dickie of Blank Canvas Business Solutions for his insightful and thought provoking presentation.

I attach a copy of Chris’ presentation but my main take-aways were….

  • Not every business can do a total pivot but that doesn’t prevent you from experimenting with innovations within your business processes, which don’t necessarily have to be technological!
  • For operational savings and new market opportunities, look out for joint venture partnerships.

Chris offered a 30 minute online/phone consultation to those in attendance. It can be very beneficial to discuss your business with an experienced consultant, take advantage of his offer by calling Chris on 082-579 2835.

Member Introductions

Thank you all for introducing yourselves and your businesses to the group.

Follow up on any possibilities you recognised in the meeting with other members today!

Nanyata Siyaya

Thank you to Jacintha for sharing her background with us and for introducing her fascinating business to the group.

I attach Jacintha’s presentation as a reminder of Nanyata Siyaya’s areas of expertise and how and where we can assist Jacintha with potential client introductions.

Contact Jacintha on 083-500 8541 if you would like to find out more.

From RCCI’s President

Danie shared feedback from the Gauteng Premier David Makura’s Zoom meeting with business leaders yesterday.

He suggested getting together regularly for a chat about business and how we can support one another with ideas and advice.

It was agreed that Danie will host a 45 minute meeting at 08h00 on alternate Thursdays. The topic for discussion will be circulated prior to the meeting to allow preparation.

The first meeting will take place next week, Thursday 28th May, when “Business Innovation” will be discussed.

Close and Announcements

I mentioned the great work that NOSH Food Rescue in partnership with Chefs with Compassion had been doing during lockdown. To find out more and to assist, please visit…

The next RCCI Networking Meeting will take place on Thursday 4th June, starting at 08h00 sharp. Please diarise and confirm your attendance by dropping an e-mail to [email protected].

Thank you for your attendance and support.

With kind regards,


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