Registration number 2016/323580/08

(“RCCI” or “the Company” or “the Chamber”)


Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) of the Company for the year ended 31 July 2017 will be held at the RCCI offices, Ground Floor, Atrium Terraces, 272 Oak Avenue, Randburg at 10h00 on Tuesday 31 October 2017.

Paid up Members of Good Standing are eligible to attend, speak and vote at this annual general meeting, and all meeting participants will be required to provide proof of identification to the Chairman of the meeting. Members are entitled to vote on a show of hands, one vote per member (not per person).

Members entitled to attend, speak and vote at this meeting may appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote in their place if they are unable to attend in person. A form of proxy is available from the administration of the RCCI at [email protected], or call +27 86 101-9218.

The purpose of the annual general meeting is the following:

  1. To receive and adopt the annual report of the Executive Committee.
  2. To receive and adopt the annual financial statements of the Chamber for the year ended 31 July 2017, together with the report of the Directors and the Accountant. The annual financial statements shall be available at the offices of the Chamber for perusal by members from 10 days prior to the AGM.
  3. To receive the President’s Report on the activities of the Chamber in the past year
  4. To consider and vote individually on the nominations for vacancies on the Executive Committee.
  5. To confirm the office bearers proposed by the Executive Committee, being the President, the Vice President, and the Second Vice President, for the 2017/2018 year.
  6. To receive the report of the Chief Executive Officer for the year under review.
  7. General matters;
  8.  Closure.

Kindly confirm your attendance or non-attendance at the upcoming AGM to [email protected] on or before Friday 27 October 2017.


10 October 2017

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