Randburg Chamber of Commerce of Industry member Master Power Technologies has been appointed by the Raxio Group to build and install multiple Data Centres in Africa. The Raxio Group is a premier Pan-African Data Centre Developer and Operator.

Following its first facility in Uganda, Raxio’s next suite of Data Centres are being developed in Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Mozambique to deliver premier colocation services to the region. The infrastructure will help drive growth to the region by supporting the rising consumption of data and the growing digital needs, while reducing the costs associated with digital access for all.

Menno Parsons
MMC Thomas Mofokeng

Linda Blackbeard

Menno Parsons, CEO of Master Power said: “Thank you to the MMC of Economic Development, the Honourable Thomas Mofokeng. We are extremely grateful for the acknowledgement and compliments extended by the MMC towards Master Power Technologies and for encouraging a local business such as ours. Master Power is extremely proud to contribute to our economic development as well as creating a positive impact on investment into South Africa. We are in Africa, for Africa.”

These facilities will be a catalyst for economic growth and job creation as well as encouraging Forex into South Africa. The CEO of RCCI, Linda Blackbeard says “We are extremely proud of Master Power Technologies for being awarded this amazing contract.

Their hard work, their reputation for excellence, integrity and professionalism has brought them to embrace levels of achievement like this. Congratulations on winning this amazing project.

To think that this project has assisted the African Continent, as well as SA by receiving International Business contracts bringing in valuable Forex to Africa and SA, is amazing, says Blackbeard. RCCI also wishes to thank Mr Benji Seitlhamo, the Deputy Director of Stakeholder Management, CoJ, who assisted her, through their Structured Engagement and JBF connection with business, to receive the wonderful support from our MMC along with his congratulatory comments.

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