An industry-wide assistance and relief package for retail tenants that are hardest hit by the 21-day lockdown currently in effect in South Africa has been launched by the newly formed Property Industry Group. The initiative, which focuses principally on supporting affected SMMEs, will also provide relief and assistance to all other retail tenants and will be rolled out by landlords nationally.

The group, made up of the SA REIT Association (SA REIT), SA Property Owners Association (SAPOA) and SA Council of Shopping Centres (SACSC), has been coordinating its response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and specifically the economic effects of the lockdown. It collectively speaks for the commercial real estate sector in SA, which includes the country’s large property owners.

Read the full article on the BizCommunity website: Property group launches relief package for retail tenants

Interview with Estienne de Klerk, the spokesperson for the Property Industry Group, on MoneyWeb: Property industry to roll out retail tenants’ relief package

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