We wish you a very successful 2020 and should we be able to assist you with any training queries, please call us.

With the costs of almost everything increasing, we have been forced to increase the costs of our Certificate Of Origin electronic and manual docs stamping and seals.

We have really tried not to increase them, and have not done so for the last 5 years.

Please note that our Manual and Electronic COO costs have increased as of the  1st of January 2020.

NEW COO RATES from the 1st January 2020 for NON MEMBERS:

Manual COO:

–        Certificate of Origin (COO) cost R90 for three(3) pages

–       Printing of COO docs cost R150 which is R50 per page

–       Attestation/stamping of COO for non-chamber members is R250 for 9 pages.

–       More than 9 pages are R5.00 extra per page.

–       Total depending on the printing.

Stamping only with previously purchased COO pads is R250 per set of docs.

Electronic COO only R250.00

COST FOR MEMBERS ( Manual and Electronic)

–       Set of docs R90

–       Printing of set R150 at R50 per page

–       Any extra pages required to be printed i.e. Commercial Invoices, Packing lists etc.)are R50 per page

–       Attestation/stamping of COO for non-chamber members is R175 for 9 pages.

–       More than 9 pages are R5.00 extra per page.


–       Any documents (letter) or electronic doc that requires the chamber seal and stamp is at R50.00 per page.

–       This is over and above the cost of the electronic COO cost.

–       Any manual COO document that required the Commercial Invoice and the Packing list to receive the manual seal and stamp will also be tendered at R50 extra per page.

Should you require any further explanation, please do not hesitate to call Linda on the office line 086 1019218

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