The new tariff increases that the DA-Coalition Government is proposing, is more closely tied to the inflation rate.

There are a few things that you and I may not like and also high water users will be charged some pretty steep increases, but it is an eminently reasonable set of increases.

How to Comment?

The Draft 2017/18 Rates Policy has been tabled at the Council Meeting on 30 March 2017 and is now open for comments on the 2017/2018 Draft Rates Policy, By-laws and tariffs.

Comments must be sent to [email protected] or [email protected]. All the comments must be in by 7 May 2017.

The Increases

Cllr Tim Truluck, uses his own rates and services accounts as an indicator of how much more the new increases will cost him and this is his analysis. Most years it is around 10-12%. This year it is 7%. So he is OK with the proposed increases below. You can download draft copies of the Rates Policy and Proposed Tariff schedules here. Note: the COJ website is painfully slow at the moment.


– Rates have gone up by 6.2%.

– The 60-69 years pensioner rebate bracket has been increased by 6.2%. So, if your property is valued at under R2 million and your gross monthly income is below R8745, you will get 100% rebate; if your income is R8746-14901, you will get 50% rebate.

– If you are pensioned early due to a disability, the above will also apply.

– Qualifying pensioners are granted their rebate benefits for the duration of the prevailing Municipal Valuation Roll as do pensioners on the Extended Social Package (ESP) (indigent pensioners living in properties valued at R2 mil or less).

– Life rights pensioners automatically get 50% discount via block discounts on the whole retirement complex.

– The Municipal Valuation Roll is to be reviewed next year. It will be published in Feb/Mar and there will be a 2-3 month objection period, before it will be adopted from 1 July.

– NOTE: all pensioners will have to re-apply for their rebates BEFORE 1 July if they qualify (the R2 million threshold will probably change).


– City Power have put up their charges by 2.28%.


– Water charges have gone up from 6.2-20%.

– The free 6Kl water allocation has been dropped unless you are receiving an ESP. This will add around R48 to your monthly bill. Read what Mayor Mashaba said why the City is removing the free water allocation for households.

– There will be a new monthly R20 (plus VAT) water service charge.

– 2 extra water use bands for high water users have been added. As an example, the charge for using 1-6 Kl is R7.14/Kl; the charge for using over 50Kl is R38.72/Kl.


– Increases by 12.2%

Trash Collection

– Increases by 6.3%.

– There is a New Bin Management Policy. If your bin is stolen or lost, you are allowed to get one free replacement every 8 years. If you need another one over and above your free replacement, or require an extra bin, then you will be charged for it.

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