“State of the economy both local and international.Detail will include Brexit and the future”

   By Mohammed Yassen 

            Join the Randburg Chamber of Commerce and Our Corporate Sponsor Nedbank
         “State of the economy both local and international, including Brexit & the future”
Mohammed currently heads the Global Markets and Treasury Strategic Research team at Nedbank Corporate and Investment Bank (CIB). As a regular market commentator and guest on numerous international television, print, radio and electronic media, Mohammed has also been showcased as an internationally recognised expert on economic and financial issues in South Africa, emerging markets and beyond.
Mohammed Yaseen
Venue: Hacklebrooke Estates Conference Venue
Time  :08:30 for 09:00
Date   :19th July 2016
Cost   : Free to all Members (Max 30 seats)
[email protected] by the 16th July ’06
Book now the seats are limited 
Nedbank professional bankers will be available for inquiries at the event. 

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