Speaker of Council, Cllr Vasco Da Gama;

His Worship the Executive Mayor, Cllr Herman Mashaba;

Chief Whip of the Council, Cllr Kevin Wax;

Chair of Chairs, Cllr Alex Christians;

City Manager, Dr Ndivhoniswani Lukhwareni;

Members of the Mayoral Committee;

Esteemed fellow Councillors;

Members of the media;

Distinguished guests; and

Residents of Johannesburg.

Good Morning.

It is with great honour that I rise to table the 2019/2020 Budget for the City of Johannesburg.

Mr. Speaker,

This budget has its genesis in the halls and streets of this great City of ours.

It stems from the engagements with communities and stakeholders – where we have listened and heard the will of our people.

It is the culmination of hundreds of hours of administrative fiscal modelling and priority setting which demonstrates the balancing act of service provision in a climate where our resource costs continue to escalate.

We have worked diligently to ensure that the Budget for the 2019/2020 financial year is credible and sustainable.

I herewith table the following supporting documents in accordance with Section 17 (3) of the MFMA:

  • The 2019/2020 to 2021/2022 Medium Term Operating budget for the City of Johannesburg;
  • The 2019/2020 to 2021/2022 Medium Term Capital Budget for the City of Johannesburg
  • The Draft Rates Policy and Rates By-Law for 2019/2020; 
  • The Public Participation outcomes on the tabled Budget and Proposed Rates and Tariffs for the 2019/2020 financial year;
  • The Funding Plan for Medium Term Capital Budget;
  • The City of Johannesburg’s Integrated Development Plan for 2019/2020; and
  • The City of Johannesburg’s Built Environment performance plan for 2019/2020.

Speaker, fellow Councillors, these reports collectively ensure this budget is compliant with the legislative framework.

A few weeks ago, at the end of April this year, the Executive Mayor delivered his State of the City Address.

His address demonstrated this multiparty government’s profound shift in the way we approach service delivery.

Titled Advancing Diphetogo, the Mayor’s address reminded us all that if we want to change lives, we need to change our priorities.

Borne from the 2018/2019 introduction of the Diphetogo Programme, this multi-party government identified non-negotiable areas of impact and placed our efforts and resources squarely behind these.

This framework remains the cornerstone of our strategic direction – and underpins our goal to bring real change – to bring Diphetogo to the people who call Johannesburg their home.

This 2019/2020 budget tabled before you today is the tool to advance Diphetogo – and it will enable our tactical – progressive and sustained advancement towards real redress.

Mr. Speaker, it is common knowledge that our budget is funded through three sources: grants, loans, and monies raised through taxes – and charges for services such as water and electricity.

Notwithstanding our commitment to prudent financial management across all sources of income – I feel that I owe the residents of Johannesburg a big thank you.

Through your commitment, we were able to deliver on the promises we made in the 2018/2019 financial year.

Last year, I stood on behalf of the Executive Mayor and this multiparty government and promised the people of Johannesburg that the 2018/2019 budget would bring change.

It is important to take stock.

We promised to improve the lives of our poor.

We did this when we delivered among other things – 4000 site and serviced stands –  6261 mixed-income housing units – and electrified 2600 households in our informal settlements.

We promised to bring opportunity – and with it – stimulate the economy so that jobs can be created.

We opened opportunity centres in Roodepoort, Diepsloot and Orange Farm – and are on the verge of launching a new opportunity seekers database which will connect job-seeking residents to work opportunities.

We promised to make our vulnerable feel secure and safe – and today we have 800 JMPD officers on duty every day and visible policing throughout the City.

Within the first quarter of the coming financial year – we will deploy an additional 1500 new JMPD officers who will help better police our streets and protect our communities.

Mr. Speaker, we promised to take care of the sick – and to this end – we have used the budget to extend clinic hours and deliver innovative healthcare through the launch of our mobile clinic programme.

This includes the furtherance free substance abuse services to address the scourge of drug addiction in the City.

While much has been done – there is still more to be done.

In the new financial year and to further advance Diphetogo – we will allocate more towards road resurfacing – water and sanitation upgrades – and the electrification of informal settlements – allowing us to turn the corner on the massive infrastructure backlogs facing the City.

In 2019/2020 – we will extend the operating hours at more libraries and clinics and – for the first time in the City’s history – rollout an extensive mobile clinic network to bring primary healthcare to underserviced communities.

Mr. Speaker – we will continue to expand our network of Opportunity Centres – unlocking the potential of entrepreneurs and providing our residents with access to employment opportunities in a fair and transparent manner through the Opportunity Seeker’s Database.

With our Inner City Revitalisation Programme – we will reclaim the heart of the City and restore its position as a key driver of economic growth and job creation in Johannesburg.


Mr. Speaker and Councillors, the economic outlook has deteriorated during the 2018/2019 financial year.

Government is faced with increasing funding pressures from state-owned companies which require government financial support.

The GDP growth has been revised down since the 2018 Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) due to a weak global trade environment, and a slow recovery in investment and employment in the country.

Real GDP growth in 2019 is expected to reach 1.5 % – improving moderately to 2.1 % in 2021.

Mr. Speaker, the main risks to the economic outlook are continued policy uncertainty and a deterioration in the financing of state-owned entities (SOEs).

These factors, alongside continued high unemployment and slow growth, will continue to exert pressure on municipal revenue generation and collection levels – especially in respect of residents who face trying economic times.


Fellow Councillors – cities around the world are increasingly under pressure to provide basic services and build new infrastructure that would deal with future demands.  Johannesburg is no different.

Adding to this are new sustainability challenges that have seen many cities experiencing unprecedented spikes in household income pressures.

Regardless of how a City is being affected by these changes – one thing remains constant – the need to provide critical urban infrastructure and deliver municipal services as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.

The backbone for the Johannesburg that works – is to be able to deliver effective – efficient and sustainable urban infrastructure.

The City of Johannesburg is today tabling tariffs for services like electricity, water, refuse removal and property rates.

Given that these tariff increases are determined by external sources – the impact they have on the municipality’s electricity and water tariffs is largely outside the control of the city.

However, there is still a need for the City to provide the infrastructure that will deal with increasing demand.

On 7 March 2019, NERSA granted Eskom an average price increase of 9,41%.

Coupled with the recent award by NERSA to Eskom of a tariff of 15,63% – and despite all attempts to absorb the costs of this increase – the City has had little option but to increase the electricity tariff from its originally proposed 12,20% average tariff to a proposed 13,07% across all categories of customers.

The City – amongst many other stakeholders across the country – had made representations to NERSA – stressing the concerns held by our residents and businesses in respect of the earliest proposed tariff increase.

Mr. Speaker, around 45.2% of our residents live below the poverty line.

Just over 900 000 of our residents are unemployed and the national economic growth outlook remains depressed.

Given the poor state of the national economy and the massive corruption at Eskom itself, the City, on behalf of our residents, had argued that the proposed tariff increases were simply unacceptable.

For the City, the new increases resulting from the decision taken represents a disappointing ruling which will only serve to add further hardship faced by residents and businesses alike.

Ultimately – those worst affected will be the poorest of the poor within our City – facing increased barriers to accessing stable and safe electricity for their households.

While access to electricity is not explicitly mentioned within the Constitution as a right, it forms a critical municipal service which local government is obliged to provide progressive access to.

To that end, the tariff increase only serves to reduce access to electricity for our poorest residents.

That is why the City, under the leadership of the Executive Mayor, has sought to engage the South African Human Rights Commission – calling for their urgent assistance in this matter for the benefit of all our residents.

On Johannesburg Water – the proposed tariff remains at a 9.9% increase – and is confirmed for the 2019/20 financial year.

Tariffs on service charges are always subject to the approval of bulk purchase tariffs by the regulators and are not necessarily aligned to the local government financial year and budgeting framework.

In the event that there are differences – the decision of the regulators take precedence.

Mr. Speaker, the tariff for property rates and refuse removal remain at 5.5% and 7% respectively as proposed in the tabled budget.

While the City notes the need for cost-reflective tariffs, we also have to balance this in order to ensure that this is sustainable.

We have also increased internal efficiencies and will continue to provide relief to those in need through our vast rebates programme.

The City had to play the balancing act. On one hand – the City has to collect revenue – on the other hand – it has to be caring particularly towards the vulnerable.

The cost of living remains at the forefront of our thinking and we must remind our residents to use water and electricity sparingly.

To this end, given the economic conditions faced by our residents, the City will continue to provide relief to our residents through tariff rebates and the Extended Social Package Programme (ESP).

We will continue to offer free basic water to registered indigent households.

The highest allocation of free basic water will be provided to households earning no formal income – receiving up to 15 kilolitres of water per month and 150-kilowatt hours of electricity.

Lower levels of allocations will range between 10 kilolitres of free water per month and 12 kilolitres of water provided without charge to the most vulnerable in our City.


Fellow Councillors, as MMC for Finance, allow me to once again talk frankly about billing.

For years the residents of Johannesburg have been bogged down by incorrect bills, unresolved queries and slow turnaround times.

I am the first to admit that there is a lot of work still to be done in addressing all problems within our billing value chain.

I am pleased to say that we have made significant strides in this regard.

To date, we have 9000 bill-related queries outstanding. This translates to less than 1% of all our bills.

This is compared to 100 000 queries we found when we first began tackling the City’s billing challenges.

I am of the firm belief that the effect felt by the 1% of residents who struggle with billing – has a very real – very tangible impact.

One client receiving an incorrect bill is one too many.

Mr. Speaker, since taking up this office just over a year ago – I have committed my time to understanding the billing processes and systems.

One of our biggest challenges has been effecting change in the Revenue space – and while we can honestly pack away the notion of a billing crisis – we must acknowledge that current queries are taking too long to be resolved.

I have applied my mind to grappling and understanding the complexities of the revenue space.

Fellow Councillors, I must be honest, there is no quick fix – and in recognition of this – we have embarked on a journey of taking services to our people.

It starts with regional Open Days – aimed at providing customers with opportunities to come and have their long-standing queries resolved.

It brings together the range and skill-sets and a myriad of role-players – thus allowing for resolutions on the same day!

While many queries have been resolved, it is what the Billing department leave behind in the regions that form the critical backbone of our billing turnaround strategy.

Following every Open Day – regional offices are capacitated with resources to assist with queries – and train staff to support the new ‘regionalised query resolution model’.

Very soon – residents will reap the benefit of improved revenue collection – improved customer care – enhanced levels of productivity – and improved efficiency and effectiveness.

Mr. Speaker, the City of Johannesburg – this multi-party government – and I personally – remain fully committed to bringing real change to residents.

Overview of the 2019/20 Medium-term Budget

Fellow Residents,

Today we table a R64.5 billion budget for the 2019/2020 financial year.

This represents an operating budget of R56.7 Billion – and a capital budget of R7.8 billion. The three-year capital budget appropriation requested in this budget is R24.3 billion. 

In approaching resource allocation in the 2019/20 Medium Term Revenue Expenditure Framework cycle – the emphasis has been placed on advancing Diphetogo – meaning that this budget is focused on the priority interventions that will result in positive change within our communities.

For each priority – we have defined areas that are part of the changes that should be prioritised by each City department or entity.

This is how we are measuring the value of our capital and infrastructure investments.

Overall, there is a shift towards improving the quality of life around Johannesburg in the areas such as public safety –community and basic services infrastructure development – social and health sectors.

The outcome of our market research and insights obtained through Customer Satisfaction and Quality of Life Surveys, also indicate that these should be top on the list of the City’s priorities.

For too long the City has tried to do too much with too little.

Mr. Speaker, I speak again of the profound shift in the way we approach service delivery and remind you that if we want to change lives, we need to change our priorities.

The three-year medium-term capital budget of the Sustainable Cluster amounts to approximately R11.4 billion. The operating allocation for 2019/2020 financial year is R33 billion. 

As I stand here today – 160 000 people are on the housing list and our housing backlog is conservatively estimated at 300 000 units.

If we are honest with ourselves – we can only claim this redress when our City’s families have a decent place to call home.

We advance Diphetogo by allocating a three-year capital budget of R3.5 billion and an operating budget of R1.1 billion for 2019/20 to the Housing Department.

This budget will be channelled towards bulk infrastructure that supports the housing developments in Diepsloot, Fleurhof, Kliptown, Lufhereng, Vlakfontein and South Hills.

Other projects the department will implement include:

  • Refurbishment and upgrading of Meadowlands Hostel at R50 million;
  • In Alexander, we are busy with Madala at R50 million and M2 Hostel Renewal at another R50 million;
  • We are also upgrading the Diepkloof Hostel at R85 million; and
  • Twenty-two Old Age facilities will be upgraded at an estimated R100 million.

Mr. Speaker, a further R150 million over the medium-term has been made available for the purpose of developing temporary and emergency accommodation within the City.

In 2019/20 R391 million of the R1.9 billion USDG allocation from National Government is ring-fenced as new grant known as the Informal Settlements Upgrading Grant.

The budget will also support over 4000 site and serviced stands in the 2019 calendar year, substantially more than could be delivered by way of traditional RDP housing.

As we advance Diphetogo we will continue to ensure the conservation of our environment and waste management remains a priority.

To this end, the Environment and Infrastructure Department has been allocated a three-year capital budget of R440 million – R220 million of this allocation relates to the implementation of Waste Treatment Technologies.

This project will introduce alternatives to disposing of our waste in landfill sites – in light of the depleted landfill space in the city.

Fellow Councillors, City Power has been allocated a three-year capital budget of R2.9 billion.

We are advancing Diphetogo through allocating R750 million over the medium term toward the electrification of informal settlements.

R150 million has been made available for the rollout of new public lighting.

We will also continue to upgrade our ageing network and substations as well as investing in expanding our check meters at intake points from Eskom.

Mr. Speaker,

Johannesburg Water is allocated an operating budget of R11.5 billion for the 2019/20 financial year, with a three-year capital budget of R3.2 billion.

Key projects include the upgrading of water infrastructure – construction of reservoirs – renewal and maintenance of existing water infrastructure – water demand management – and the renewal of bulk waste treatment plants.

The pipe replacement and Water Demand Management project will ensure the City makes inroads in addressing the challenge of ageing infrastructure as well as water losses due to burst pipes.

Pikitup has been allocated a three-year capital budget of R427 million.

The operating expenditure of R2.5 billion – which will be used to improve the cleanliness level such as increasing the density of bins – installing underground bins – the introduction of additional Pikitup cleaning shifts and getting the communities involved.

The Johannesburg Social Housing Company (JOSHCO) has been allocated a capital budget of R874 million over the next three years.

As part of the Inner City Revitalisation Programme – the City will be focused on attracting investment and increasing the supply of affordable quality housing in the Inner City.

One aspect of this programme is aimed at rehabilitating “bad buildings” through their release to the private sector for conversion into low-cost housing.

The City has programmed the release of City-owned buildings to develop affordable rental housing and temporary emergency accommodation while social housing projects are also being implemented in the Inner City.

Already a pipeline of properties have been identified for release to the Johannesburg Social Housing Company for social housing and rental stock.   

Fellow Councillors, the three-year medium-term capital budget of the Human and Social Development Cluster amounts to approximately R1.1 billion – with an operating expenditure allocation of R9.5 billion for the 2019/20 financial year.

Amongst others, the Community Development Department’s three-year capital allocation of R321 million will be utilised for the construction of multipurpose centres in Lehae, Matholesville, Kaalfontein and Drieziek.

We will also construct swimming pools for the communities in Cosmo City and Ivory Park.

The Health Department has been allocated a multi-year capital budget of R217 million which will fund construction and upgrade of clinics for communities in Bopelong, Florida, Freedom Park, Meadowlands, Naledi, and Princess.

We will also invest a further R20 million in the E-Health System.

I am also pleased to announce that we will be operationalising 10 Mobile Clinics in the 2019/20 financial year following the motion adopted by the Council.

This project – together with the expansion of the “extended operating hours” programme at more clinics – will bring primary healthcare to more of our residents than ever before.

Social Development has been allocated an operating expenditure of R253 million for 2019/20 financial year.

The department is tasked with ensuring the Extended Service Package (ESP) programme is accessible by all vulnerable members of our communities.

The City is also responding to social ills that residents have said are destructive for their communities through the free substance abuse centres.

Fellow Councillors, there is evidence that overall crime in the City of Johannesburg has decreased at an average annual rate of 4.09% between 2007 and 2017.

The reduction in reported crimes may be attributed to the heightened level of enforcement, visible policing, multi-agency operations and improved community relations.

As we continue to Advance Diphetogo – Public Safety has been allocated a three-year capital budget of R277 million and an operating budget of R5.5 billion for the 2019/20 financial year.

I am pleased to announce that this operational budget includes the second phase of the insourced security guards.

The introduction of an additional 1500 JMPD recruits due to graduate in October 2019 – combined with a clampdown on by-law infringements – will promote order – compliance – and increase public safety.

R70 million has been made available for establishing the Public Safety Integrated Intelligence Operations Centre (IIOC). When fully operational the Integrated Operations Centre will be able to:

  • Gather data from various technological sources such as CCTV cameras, sensors and existing data flows;
  • Provide complex analysis of the data gathered – including facial recognition, licence plate recognition and incidence response statistics; and
  • Deploy response teams faster based on the data analysis.

R80 million is set aside for renovations to the Central Fire station as well as R30 million for fire and rescue equipment.

Johannesburg City Parks and Zoo has been allocated a multi-year capital budget of R150 million and operational budget of R1 billion for the 2019/20 financial year.

This budget, Mr. Speaker, will primarily be used for maintaining all city parks, open spaces, cemeteries and conserved areas.

R65 million has been allocated to Joburg City Theatres to continue with the upgrades to stage equipment for the City to continue earning revenues from local and international productions.

The three-year medium-term capital budget of the Economic Growth Cluster amounts to approximately R10.1 billion.

The operating expenditure budget for 2019/20 is R5.7 billion.

The Economic Development Department has a capital budget allocation of R28 million and an operational allocation of R169 million – which will be used to improve the ease of doing business – implementing strategies to attract, expand and retain investment -– and target sectors with high job-growth potential.

Mr. Speaker, the City provides safe and reliable public transport through the Rea Vaya BRT system and Metrobus.

With regard to Transport – the department receives an operating budget of R1.9 billion for the 2019/20 financial year and the three-year capital budget allocation of R3.1 billion.

Future expenditure will include the construction of infrastructure and the purchase of more Rea Vaya buses for Phase 1C.

In 2019/20, we will also begin the implementation of an integrated fare system for Rea Vaya and Metrobus.

Importantly, this will allow the City to implement free public transport for pensioners and people with disabilities in response to the motion tabled in Council by Cllr Maharaj from COPE.

The department will also provide public transport facilities in various parts of the City including Zola, Drieziek, Tshepisong, Lenasia, Zakariya Park and the Johannesburg International Transport Interchange in the Inner City.

Metrobus is allocated an operating budget of R701 million and a three-year capital budget of R287 million.

Future investments will focus on improving operating systems through the acquisition of the Integrated Cashless Ticketing System – and installation of Bus CCTV system.

Mr. Speaker, I am glad to announce the Development Planning’s operating budget amounts to R413 million for the 2019/20 financial year and a three-year capital budget of R828 million.

The department is responsible for transforming the City’s spatial form through integrated planning, policy development and standard setting.

Capital programmes include packaging of strategic land within the Corridors, inner-city renewal, the precinct development in Brixton and Jabulani, amongst others.

Joburg Market receives an operating budget of R362 million for the 2019/20 financial year and a multiyear capital budget of R305 million.

Future capital programmes include the replacement of the roof at trading halls, renovations and upgrades to the main building and installation of sprinkler systems with associated bulk water supply.

Fellow Councillors, the Johannesburg Property Company (JPC) receives an operating budget of R674 million for the 2019/20 financial year – and a three-year capital budget of R136 million. 

JPC is responsible for managing and maintaining public facilities and other public conveniences – including revamping of the Informal Trading Stalls within the Inner City and revitalising the Metromall Taxi Rank Shop.

Johannesburg Development Agency (JDA) receives an operating budget of R114 million for the 2019/20 financial year and a three-year capital budget of R693 million.

JDA assists various City departments with development facilitation and will continue to implement the following projects: 

  • Balfour Park Transit Precinct Development (Louis Botha Corridor);
  • Bana Kekeleni Hospice New Clinic in Alexandra; 
  • Diepsloot Development Renewal Precinct Redevelopment;
  • Inner City Eastern Gateway; 
  • Roodepoort CBD regeneration Renewal Precinct Redevelopment; and
  • Marlboro South Light Industrial Business Hub-Skills Development Centre, amongst others…

Mr. Speaker – the Johannesburg Road Agency (JRA) has been allocated an operating budget of R1.4 billion in the 2019/20 financial year – and a three-year capital budget of R4.7 billion.

The allocation will enable the JRA to deliver on its mandate to design, maintain, repair and develop Johannesburg’s road network and stormwater infrastructure – including bridges and culverts, traffic lights and signage.

As part of this – within the medium-term – R30 million is to be made available for traffic calming measures City-wide.

As part of our commitment to bring Diphetogo – over the medium-term – over R 1,1 billion will also be made available for the resurfacing and rehabilitation of roads.

In addition to this, just over R1 billion will also be made available over the medium-term for the tarring gravel roads in Diepsloot, Doornkop, Drieziek, Ivory Park, Kaalfontein, Lawley, Mayibuye, Orange Farm, Poortjie, Slovoville, Tshepisong and other communities.

Mr. Speaker, in the medium-term, R 1 billion has also been set aside for stormwater improvements which will help us better mitigate the dangers of flooding across the City.

The three-year medium-term capital budget of the Good Governance Cluster amounts to approximately R1.8 billion. The operating expenditure allocation for 2019/20 is R10.6 billion.

Group Information and Communication Technology (GICT) has been allocated and operating budget for 2019/20 of R704 million and three-year capital expenditure of R977 million for various ICT infrastructure end-user-related projects.

The projects also include:

  • WAN & LAN Upgrades;
  • SAP business transformation;
  • Microsoft licences; and
  • Upgrade of ICT infrastructure.

Group Finance is allocated an operating budget of R5.4 billion for 2019/20 and a multi-year capital budget of R5.5 million.

Mr. Speaker, Group Finance, as the custodians of the City’s Financial Sustainability is tasked with expenditure management; revenue optimization; cash flow management; long-term financial planning; securing cost-effective funding; efficient procurement processes; and overall coordination of clean audit process city-wide.

Mr. Speaker, Group Corporate Shared Services’ operating budget amounts to R534 million for 2019/20 and the three-year capital budget allocation is R787 million.

Key focus areas include procurement of fleet vehicles and supporting the insourcing of cleaning services.  

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to announce that the Legislature has been allocated a three-year capital budget of R16.5 million.

The operating expenditure budget for 2019/20 is R 446 million.

This will ensure that the office continues to provide support to the Section 79 committees – enhances the functionality of the ward committee system and capacitates ward committees – all this with the intention of fast-tracking service delivery especially in our poorer communities.

The Metro Trading Company’s operating expenditure allocation for 2019/20 is R 467 million. In the new financial year, the entity is pursuing a new enhanced business model.

The Group Forensic and Investigation Service’s operating expenditure budget for 2019/20 is R106 million. 

Some of their focus areas for the financial year will be:

  • increasing their forensic investigative capability and controls; 
  • implementing and monitor compliance;
  • the resolution of disciplinary criminal and civil matters; and
  • monitoring cases referred to Group Legal for recovery of losses and civil claims. 

Fellow Councillors, the Ombudsman’s operating expenditure budget is R34 million. This will ensure that the City is effectively capacitated to react to the needs of its residents to fast-track service delivery.

The City Manager’s operating expenditure budget is pegged at R1.3 billion in order to continue providing the City’s residents with needed services.

Fellow Councillors, an important project in this regard is the R100 million that has been set aside for the recruitment of a “Visible Service Delivery workforce” under CRUM.

This unit will augment the current services already deployed across the City’s 7 regions to perform functions such as:

  • Weeding;
  • Litter picking;
  • street sweeping;
  • stormwater desilting; and
  • related functions.

For too long, these core service delivery programmes have been neglected.

The establishment of this unit will greatly improve City’s visual appeal whilst we continue to make progressive improvements in the City’s infrastructure and services in general.

In conclusion Mr. Speaker,

I strongly believe this budget tabled today by a multi-party coalition government — is a budget which represents our administrations’ continued commitment to bringing change to communities.

Esteemed Councillors – let me conclude with the following acknowledgements:

Firstly, the Executive Mayor and his office, who guided us throughout the budgetary process.

He ensured that we set our sights on delivering change to our residents.

I’d also like to thank the support structure within my office for their dedication.

I also want to acknowledge our colleagues at the Gauteng Provincial Government – the Gauteng Provincial Office of the Auditor General and colleagues at National Treasury for lending us their support.

My deep appreciation also goes to my colleagues in the Democratic Alliance, our coalition partners and strategic partners for their belief in Diphetogo.

The City Manager and Members of the Budget Steering Committee for providing the necessary technical support;

The Group Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Manenzhe Manenzhe, and his team of professional civil servants; and

My wife Masetshaba Ngobeni, and family – for their unconditional love and support.

Mr. Speaker,

I table the City of Johannesburg’s budget for the 2019/2020 Financial Year.

I thank you.

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