Botswana as an investment location offers the following investment climate which is not limited to the following:

  • Corporate tax will be 15% for manufacturing, financial services and innovation-led services whilst it is 22% for other businesses such as Dairy farming/services
  • There are no exchange controls so profits/dividends can be repatriated with no authorisation required
  • There are no limitations on foreign ownership
  • And there is duty-free importation of machinery to be used in production
  • Literacy rate of 87 % implying it is easy to upskill your unskilled workforce
  • Zero tolerance for corruption
  • As well as myriad trade  agreements  to export to at preferential rates e.g : Botswana Zimbabwe Free Trade Agreement, SACU, SADC, AGOA, SACU-EU, ACFTA etc for producers domiciled in Botswana.

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