C o u n c i l l o r N e w s l e t t e r

Office of the Executive Mayor City of Johannesburg

The days of copper cable thieves in Johannesburg are coming to an end

On Wednesday, I led an inspection of seized City infrastructure allegedly stolen by unscrupulous scrapyard owners. I was
accompanied by Members from my Mayoral Committee, the City’s Specialised Investigations Unit and JMPD. The purpose of
the inspection was to see first-hand how these criminal syndicates operate, and showcase the effects that their dealings have
on our City. When stealing our copper cables, these criminals sabotage our economy and our City, leaving businesses and
homes in the dark, costing ratepayers a fortune and robbing resources from service delivery. It is estimated that 45% of the
power outages in the City are caused by cable theft, and this latest incident has plunged a large part of the Inner City into

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