Call for Expression of Interest
Provision of Business Services to SMME’s and Cooperatives:
Business Mentorship, Consulting, Post-Business Support and Coaching
Submission Deadline: Tuesday, 21 April 2020
In line with the Government mandate of providing seamless and streamlined services to Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises (SMMEs) and Cooperatives, the Small Enterprise Development Agency (Seda) and Small Enterprise Finance Agency (Sefa) seek to establish a national common database of Service Providers that will provide various support services to SMMEs and Co-operatives.
The main aim of the common database is to provide efficient business development and support services for SMMEs and Cooperative through the national network. These interventions are implemented in collaboration with other role-players in the SMME ecosystem.
The common database will help Seda and Sefa to also implements programmes targeted at business development in areas prioritised by the government. The proposed SMME support delivery model will enable Seda and Sefa to provide support services to SMMEs and Cooperatives through the existing branch network across the country with support from the head offices located in Pretoria and Centurion, Gauteng Province.
This advert therefore, serves as a call for an expression of interest by professional firms, associations, retired, semi-retired, active business people, experienced business mentors, coaches, to register on the common database to provide mentorship, consulting, pre- and post-business support and coaching services to identified enterprises.
The services will be offered with a view to facilitate growth of SMMEs and to build sustainable enterprises that will create jobs.
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