ESD Round Table: ecosystem dialogue to advance collaboration and business recovery through Enterprise and Supplier Development

Friday 5th June 2020

Time: 11h00 to 13h00

Online meeting link:


Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) Round Table: ecosystem dialogue to support new collaborations, showcase effective models and leverage ESD for small business recovery from COVID-19.

Now more than ever, Enterprise and Supplier Development (ESD) is a critical arena for developing the capacity of small enterprises to access industry supply chains and become sustainable through ascending a “supplier staircase” with the necessary support But a number of questions still arise.

Are there sufficient strategic linkages between government and the private sector? Does ESD need to deliver more geo-specific “opportunity localisation”? Should companies fund third-party ESD programmes or focus more on driving greater procurement from SMEs to support recovery from COVID-19’s impact?

  • Be part of a vibrant discussion between a diverse range of ESD role-players
  • See the results of the EDSE “snapshot”survey of current ESD challenges, priorities and views
  • Share your views of current challenges and opportunities in ESD
  • Discuss the role of ESD in supporting small business recovery from Covid-19
  • Propose case studies for EDSE to undertake for the benefit of the ecosystem.

Improved public-private partnerships with creative ESD solutions are needed to support business survival and sustainability in the “New Normal”. This EDSE project will setup an ESD ecosystem working group to support these partnerships and solutions.

Please join us on Friday 5 June 2020 at 11 am for this interactive EDSE Round table discussion., See link below.

We look forward to your participation at this event. If you are unable to attend, please nominate a replacement. Thank You. All enquiries to [email protected] or [email protected]

Online meeting link:

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