The New Year Resolutions Issue: Jan 2019 by Velaphi Mpolweni

The economic hub of South Africa is back to life. You can tell by listening to the morning and afternoon traffic reports. The traffic buzz of Allandale, Malibongwe, Grayston and Gillooly’s interchange is in full swing.

In this issue we focus on New Year resolutions. Johannesburg is a city of dreams with citizens that are ambitious and goal driven. I approached one of our local Entrepreneurs, “Lucy” who owns a children aftercare centre within our Randburg Magistrate district. I asked her if she has any specific New Year’s resolutions for 2019.

I was amazed how clearly she stipulated her Financial and Health objectives for 2019. However in her own admission she indicated to me it will be difficult to fulfil all her 2019 resolutions and she is not sure if the results of her efforts will match her expectations. “Lucy” is not alone experiencing such a dilemma. Most of us formulate objectives or goals at the beginning of the year, come June everything has fallen flat.

According to Lesley Callow of E2 Life Coaching, goals can best be formulated and maintained by making use of visual boards. “Unless you know what your goals are you cannot make effective decisions” said Lesley.

I further asked a short term Insurance specialist Rian Bothma of Nedbank to list available insurance covers that “Lucy’s” can consider as part of her financial goals setting process. Rian mentioned the following covers that are available in the market: Fire, Business interruptions, Theft, Cash, Public Liability and motor cover etc. The caution is that full need and risk analysis must be conducted first as to ensure “Lucy” takes the right cover(s) for the right amount(s) based on her risk profile.

Style interviewed Reishina Boodhoo of Regal Financial as to help “Lucy” further refine her 2019 financial resolutions. I put the following questions to Reishina:

S: What must “Lucy” consider when selecting a financial planner?

R: She must consider if the Financial Planner is licensed and accredited to give advice on the products they are offering. Does the Financial Advisor have full Financial Advisory and Intermediary Service Act (FAIS) qualifications?

S: Why is financial planning so important?

R: A Financial Planner is a key “partner” in an individual and a business. Financial Advice goes well beyond recommending a policy. A Financial Advisor will guide you through your life stages and offer appropriate advice that suits your needs. Key to this advice process is to assist you to structure a Last Will and Testament which details your last wishes. A Financial Advisor will also guide you through the cost implications of your wishes and offer suitable solutions to minimise the cost.

S: When investing one is always told to take a long term view, why is this so important?

R: Taking a long term view usually refers to investing in unit trust type investments that require time in the market to perform and grow, mindful that markets are volatile. A good Financial Advisor will assess a client’s appetite for risk etc

S: What advise can you give “Lucy” and our readers under current difficult economic conditions?

R: I will recommend that South Africans relook into their living standards and cut down costs. Also I encourage more Entrepreneurship, this will help to build family legacies and create employment to fellow South Africans in the process.

To address “Lucy’s” health objectives I spoke to Dr Svetoslav Bulatov affectionately known as Dr B of Richesofhealth. Dr B outlined and recommended the following as for “Lucy” to lose weight, maintain it and live a healthy life style:

  • The starting point is to Detox her body system. Detoxing has the following benefits: it optimises the function of the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, lymph and blood
  • There is no standard recipe to lose weight, each recipe is based on an individual according to the metabolic type and microbiological terrain hence professional advice must be sought before starting any weight losing programme.
  • Best results can be achieved by following an individualised anti mould diet for a year followed by an individualised eating plan for life.
  • Most cost effective way of a balance diet is eating green eco friendly and sustainable food.
  • One needs only 30-50 square meters to have a backyard garden to supply a family with variety of vegetables.
  • She must consider planting healthy easy growing vegetables like carrot, beetroot, cucumber, kale and spinach.

“Lucy” has a number of balls to juggle, it is an Election year, Unemployment is high, Theresa May is struggling to put together an acceptable Brexit deal, China and USA are in a trade war. All these economic factors may affect her disposable income hence her goals.

Anyone of our RCCI Style readers can be “Lucy”. I benefited a lot from my interviews with these experts and hope it will make a difference in how Style readers formulate and follow through on their individual New Year resolutions.

Take note all financial recommendations made don’t constitute to be financial advice. Consult a fit and proper FAIS compliant Financial Advisor for any professional help you may need.

I want to thank the following individuals for their contribution towards this issue.

Financial Planning: Reishina Boodhoo, contact details: [email protected] or 0815517286

Short Term Insurance: Rian Bothma, Contact details: [email protected] or 0636933346

Health: Svetoslav Bulatov, Contact details: [email protected] or 0724603163

Goal Setting Coach: Lesley Callow, Contact details: [email protected] or 0823453084

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