Today, the City of Johannesburg tabled its draft budget & tariffs for the 2024/25 financial year starting 1st July 2024.

Public participation and opportunities for comment will follow.

In Region B, the first meeting is scheduled for Wed 10 April from 4pm until 8pm at the Danie Van Zyl Hall in Claremont. It will be a hybrid meeting.

You will soon be able to read the full documents online on the CoJ Tariffs section of their website:

You will also be able to comment online or by email.

Here is Cllr Truluck’s summary of relevant increases & changes

Rates +4.8
Elect +11.3%
Water +7.7%
Sewer +7.7%
Pikitup +5.9%

City Power Service & Capacity Charges +16.74%.

Sewer Charges: Flats are now classed as multi-dwellings. Multi-dwellings under R700 000 value charged R314.68 per unit. Over R700 000 is R612.58 per unit.

Prepaid Elect Changes – split into 2 categories:

Low Users (indigent customers) +6.36%

High Users (regular customers) +18.84%

High Users will also pay R244.2 Service Charge plus R237.3 Capacity Charge (both plus VAT)

i.e. a R553.73 a month increase (with VAT) for pre-paid customers PLUS 18.84% increase in electricity use

Pensioner rebate income thresholds for the 60-69 year-olds will now be: under R12475/month for full rebate; R12475-R21383 for 1/2 the rebate.

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