Progress Update on Government and Business CollaborationTest
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Progress Update on Government and Business CollaborationTest

Johannesburg, 27 September 2023 – President Cyril Ramaphosa yesterday met with members of Cabinet and senior business leaders to receive an update on progress made in the collaboration between government and business. This collaboration was initiated in June 2023 with the aim of significantly growing South Africa’s economy and restoring public and investor confidence through…

B4SA Weekly Update 12 June 2021

B4SA Weekly Update 12 June 2021

You will undoubtedly have followed developments over the past few days related to the South African COVID-19 vaccine acquisition and rollout programme. Colleagues will be aware that we established the B4SA vaccine platform to provide up-to-date information on bilateral and multilateral engagements with government, hopefully enabling businesses to respond to the latest news. Dear B4SA…

SBI’s post-Covid Recovery Series Probes Challenges Facing SMEs and Presents Growth Blueprint

SBI’s post-Covid Recovery Series Probes Challenges Facing SMEs and Presents Growth Blueprint

14 April 2021Johannesburg The Small Business Institute (SBI) released four additional papers this morning in the series of six aimed at the promotion and development of small business in South Africa, during the Covid-19 pandemic and beyond (two were released earlier and are available here). The papers are a culmination of evidence, data from the ground…

B4SA – Weekly Update 1 April 2021

B4SA – Weekly Update 1 April 2021

Dear B4SA and healthcare colleagues Comment on President Ramaphosa’s address on Monday, 30 March 2021 President Cyril Ramaphosa purposefully delayed his address as a touching tribute to SABC presenter Noxolo Grootboom, whose last news broadcast after 37 years of service was scheduled for 7:00 pm. The gesture was a reminder we should not forget the…

Business for South Africa Member Update 28 January 2021

Business for South Africa Member Update 28 January 2021

B4SA: OUR NEXT CHAPTER We have been on an incredible ride since Business for South Africa (B4SA) was formed last year. As an alliance of volunteers from South African business, we have supported the numerous government-led COVID-19 pandemic interventions and worked closely with the Solidarity Fund, civil society, and our partners in labour, to combat…

Business for South Africa – Member Update

Business for South Africa – Member Update

16 October 2020  B4SA WELCOMES RECOVERY PLAN, CALLS FOR IMMEDIATE IMPLEMENTATION Business for South Africa (B4SA), the alliance of volunteers formed to support the national response to combat and recover from the Covid-19 pandemic, welcomes President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement of far-reaching plans for economic reconstruction and recovery.  B4SA has spent a considerable time formulating an accelerated…

Business For South Africa Update
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Business For South Africa Update

9th September 2020 B4SA SUPPORTS UIF TERS EXTENSION Business for South Africa (B4SA) is pleased to note the announcement by Employment and Labour Minister Thembelani Nxesi of the further extension of the Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) operated by the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF). It appears that this extension will last until the state of…

Business For South Africa Update – 28th August 2020
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Business For South Africa Update – 28th August 2020

B4SA NOTES ANNOUNCEMENT OF RESUMPTION OF UIF TERS PAYMENTS Business for South Africa (B4SA) notes the announcement by the Unemployment Insurance Fund (UIF) that Temporary Employer/Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) benefits are to resume following a halting of payments due to investigations into system integrity problems. “The move is greeted with relief, though it is still…

BSA: Guidance Note For Alert Level 2
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BSA: Guidance Note For Alert Level 2

BUSINESS FOR SA: GUIDANCE NOTE FOR ALERT LEVEL 2 INTRODUCTION On 18 August 2020, South Africa moved to Alert Level (AL) 2 of the national state of disaster under amended regulations promulgated in terms of the Disaster Management Act 57 of 2002 (the AL2 Regulations). AL2 sees a further reopening of the economy, minimal restrictions on movement…

Business For South Africa: Member Update
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Business For South Africa: Member Update

STATEMENT FROM BUSINESS UNITY SOUTH AFRICA (BUSA): CALLS FOR SWIFT ACTION AGAINST CORRUPTION AND THEFT Crime and corruption harm vulnerable citizens the most                      BUSA CEO, Cas Coovadia, commented: “Corruption kills. It kills nurses, doctors, commuters and citizens relying on fake PPE or without any protection because of corruption and theft. Corruption diverts funds from…

Business For South Africa Member Update

Business For South Africa Member Update

BUSINESS FOR SOUTH AFRICA PREDICTS COVID-19 DEATHS TO PEAK IN LATE AUGUST; CALLS FOR BEHAVIOUR CHANGE AND ECONOMIC REFORM Business for South Africa (B4SA) calls on business and all South Africans to continue to take preventative action to curb the rapid rate at which COVID-19 is spreading through the country. The steep and dramatic surge in…

Business For South Africa – Member Update

Business For South Africa – Member Update

FUNCTIONING IN THE AGE OF COVID-19 – RESOURCES FOR BUSINESS COVID-19 will be a reality for our foreseeable future. To successfully operate under these new conditions, we need to innovate, rapidly adjust and adopt new ways of working, interacting and taking care of each other. On Tuesday, Business for South Africa hosted a webinar on…

Business for South Africa Daily Member Update – 17 July 2020

Business for South Africa Daily Member Update – 17 July 2020

PROSPECTS FOR AN EXTENSION OF TERS BEYOND JUNE 2020 Though greatly delayed, we are pleased to be able to advise that Temporary Employer / Employee Relief Scheme (TERS) payments for June now appear to be flowing from the Unemployment Insurance Fund to employees or to employers to pass on to their employees. Business for South Africa…

Business For South Africa Update – 14th July 2020
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Business For South Africa Update – 14th July 2020

WEBCAST LINK: BUSINESS FOR SOUTH AFRICA Delivering an accelerated economic recovery strategy Business for South Africa, the alliance of volunteer resources from across the South African business community, has launched its proposed Economic Recovery Strategy: “A New Inclusive Economic Future for South Africa”.  To listen to the media webcast presentation, please go to: B4SA Media Webcast Economic…

Business For South Africa Update – 13th July 2020
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Business For South Africa Update – 13th July 2020

BUSINESS FOR SOUTH AFRICA CALLS ON BUSINESS COMMUNITY TO ADOPT CONTACT TRACING Business for South Africa (B4SA), in referring to President Ramaphosa’s announcement of the enhanced level 3 regulations last month, and which further eased restrictions on economic activities, wishes to remind members that the threat remains for infections to increase exponentially.  Our goal remains to accelerate the opening of the…

Business For South Africa Economic Recovery Strategy Infographic
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Business For South Africa Economic Recovery Strategy Infographic

The B4SA ACCELERATED ECONOMIC RECOVERY STRATEGY is being put forward as the basis for an intensive process of engagement, which we hope will lead to increased trust between societal stakeholders, and to a new form of partnership between government and business in pursuit of shared challenges. To access the full B4SA Accelerated Economic Recovery Strategy please go…